Kemly Camacho is a researcher at the Acceso Foundation, where she is responsible for research on the social impact of information and communication technologies.
She works on participative research processes and analyses, in partnership with local Central American players interested in transforming the reality of poor countries, the role that technologies play in the development process led by these same countries in this geographical region.
Her studies include computing engineering, anthropology and evaluation and she is currently preparing a doctorate on the Information and Knowledge Society at the Open University of Catalonia, in Barcelona, Spain.

Kemly is also coordinator of the Bellanet’s Latin American Office - International Secretariat for the Centre for Research for International Development in Canada. She is currently professor at the University of Costa Rica and at FLACSO (Latin-American Faculty of Social Sciences) for the Masters programme in communication, Internet and public policy.
Kemly has written a number of publications on these themes. They can be consulted at

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