Vecam Réflexion et action pour l'internet citoyen fr SPIP - Vecam 41 144 APPEL POUR L'ACCES PUBLIC A INTERNET 2002-11-26T14:07:52Z text/html fr Florence durand Pour défendre le devenir du secteur de l'accès public à internet signez et relayez cet appel. L'accès public à Internet en danger ! La politique d'accès public à Internet et au multimédia, reconnue, développée et soutenue par l'Etat et de nombreuses collectivités, a démontré toute sa pertinence et son impact pour réduire le fossé numérique et construire avec tous les citoyens, la société de l'information. Timides dans un premier temps, les élus s'engagent désormais largement dans le développement de (...) - <a href="" rel="directory">Initiatives apparentées / Related initiatives</a> <div class='rss_chapo'><p>Pour défendre le devenir du secteur de l'accès public à internet signez et relayez cet appel.</p></div> <div class='rss_texte'><p>L'accès public à Internet en danger !</p> <p>La politique d'accès public à Internet et au multimédia, reconnue, développée et soutenue par l'Etat et de nombreuses collectivités, a démontré toute sa pertinence et son impact pour réduire le fossé numérique et construire avec tous les citoyens, la société de l'information. Timides dans un premier temps, les élus s'engagent désormais largement dans le développement de dispositifs locaux d'accès public aux technologies de l'information et de la communication.</p> <p>Cette nouvelle politique publique est aujourd'hui gravement menacée par le désengagement de l'Etat du dispositif " emplois-jeunes", qui finance une partie importante des ressources humaines nécessaires à la réussite de cette mission d'intérêt général.</p> <p>Des milliers d'animateurs multimédia permettent en effet à nos concitoyens de s'initier aux technologies de l'information dans des Espaces Publics Numériques (EPN) et au sein même des collectivités locales : accès à la culture, aux services publics en ligne, lutte contre l'illettrisme, le handicap et le chômage, insertion, création, expression citoyenne, lien entre générations, etc… Ces usages sont les premiers bénéfices d'un dispositif qui permet un accompagnement humain de qualité face aux machines, face aux technologies.</p> <p>Ces animateurs multimédia se sont totalement investi dans l'émergence de ces nouveaux services à la population. Dans un contexte difficile, ils ont su remplir leur mission et se professionnaliser en faisant évoluer les métiers de l'animation et de la médiation auprès de différents publics. Certains d'entre eux rejoignent le secteur marchand et d'autres continuent leur parcours dans la fonction publique ou dans le secteur associatif.</p> <p>Aujourd'hui, à travers le désengagement de l'Etat, c'est l'avenir même du secteur de l'accès public aux TIC qui est menacé. C'est pourquoi, nous, collectif d'acteurs de cette politique (animateurs, associations, élus) interpellons le gouvernement et lui demandons de prendre en compte la spécificité de ces nouveaux services publics à la population.</p> <p>Nous proposons plusieurs pistes de réflexion pour pérenniser la politique d'accès public aux TIC :</p> <p><img src="" width='8' height='11' class='puce' alt="-" style='height:11px;width:8px;' /> définir dans la concertation et avec les acteurs concernés (animateurs, associations, collectivités locales), une charte d'un service d'accès public aux TIC</p> <p><img src="" width='8' height='11' class='puce' alt="-" style='height:11px;width:8px;' /> envisager le financement de cette politique en termes de soutien à l'activité et non d'aide à l'emploi</p> <p><img src="" width='8' height='11' class='puce' alt="-" style='height:11px;width:8px;' /> repositionner l'activité des EPN sur le territoire en s'appuyant sur des lieux susceptibles de mutualiser les moyens humain et matériel</p> <p><img src="" width='8' height='11' class='puce' alt="-" style='height:11px;width:8px;' /> faciliter l'intégration des animateurs multimédia dans la fonction publique territoriale</p> <p><img src="" width='8' height='11' class='puce' alt="-" style='height:11px;width:8px;' /> favoriser l'emploi au sein des associations actives dans l'accès public à Internet ou le développement d'usages de l'Internet</p> <p><img src="" width='8' height='11' class='puce' alt="-" style='height:11px;width:8px;' /> engager et faire engager par les collectivités territoriales et les employeurs des moyens pour la formation et la validation des acquis professionnels de ces animateurs, dans le cadre de cursus qualifiants et/ou diplômants pouvant déboucher sur des perspectives d'emplois durables</p> <p><img src="" width='8' height='11' class='puce' alt="-" style='height:11px;width:8px;' /> prendre en compte l'accompagnement des publics les plus éloignés</p> <p><img src="" width='8' height='11' class='puce' alt="-" style='height:11px;width:8px;' /> évaluer périodiquement la réalité des usages et non usages</p> <p>Pour que les technologies de l'information et de la communication ne creusent pas plus les fractures de la société, donnons aux animateurs multimédia une chance de pérenniser leur activité professionnelle.</p> <p>Les signataires pour pérenniser le secteur de l'accès public à Internet :</p> <p>L'association CRéATIF représentée par son président Jean Claude Bournez</p> <p>Florence Durand-Tornare Vice-Présidente de Créatif, Déléguée de l'association Villes Internet</p> <p>Jean Pouly Membre de Créatif</p> <p>Michel Briand Vice-Président de Créatif, Adjoint au Maire de Brest</p> <p>Marie-Lise Simon Administrateur de Créatif, Directrice des projets ARDESI</p> <p>Yannick Landais ARTESI Ile de France, Délégué Général</p></div> Forum International "Amérique latine et Caraïbe dans la société de l'information" 2002-10-30T19:46:48Z text/html fr Valérie Peugeot En septembre 2002 s'est tenu à Rio de Janeiro un forum international qui a réuni 120 acteurs du Continent latino américain et de la Caraïbe. Ce forum a élaboré 4 plate forme de propositions correspondants aux 4 sous régions (Amérique Centrale ; Caraïbe ; Communauté Andine ;Mercosur). Ces documents sont disponbiles sur le site du forum During September 2002, an international Forum was hold in Rio de Janeiro. It gathered 120 actors from the Latin America and the Caribbean. This Forum has produced 4 (...) - <a href="" rel="directory">Initiatives apparentées / Related initiatives</a> <div class='rss_texte'><p>En septembre 2002 s'est tenu à Rio de Janeiro un forum international qui a réuni 120 acteurs du Continent latino américain et de la Caraïbe. Ce forum a élaboré 4 plate forme de propositions correspondants aux 4 sous régions (Amérique Centrale ; Caraïbe ; Communauté Andine ;Mercosur). Ces documents sont disponbiles <a href="" class='spip_out' rel='external'>sur le site du forum</a></p> <p>During September 2002, an international Forum was hold in Rio de Janeiro. It gathered 120 actors from the Latin America and the Caribbean. This Forum has produced 4 platforms, corresponding to the 4 sub regions (Central America ; Caribbean, Andin Community ; Mercosur). Those documents are available <a href="" class='spip_out' rel='external'>on the Forum's web site</a></p></div> Plateforme québécoise de l'Internet citoyen 2002-10-30T19:44:22Z text/html fr Valérie Peugeot La Plateforme : résultat d'une démarche en plusieurs temps En mai 2001, Communautique réalisait une série de trois rencontres à Montréal, Québec et Trois-Rivières afin de diffuser et soumettre à la discussion les résultats d'une vaste enquête menée auprès de plus de 450 groupes communautaires à travers le Québec. L'objet de cette enquête : dresser l'état de l'appropriation des technologies de l'information et de la communication par le milieu communautaire. Ces rencontres ont permis d'échanger sur différentes (...) - <a href="" rel="directory">Initiatives apparentées / Related initiatives</a> <div class='rss_texte'><p><strong>La Plateforme : résultat d'une démarche en plusieurs temps</strong></p> <p>En mai 2001, Communautique réalisait une série de trois rencontres à Montréal, Québec et Trois-Rivières afin de diffuser et soumettre à la discussion les résultats d'une vaste enquête menée auprès de plus de 450 groupes communautaires à travers le Québec. L'objet de cette enquête : dresser l'état de l'appropriation des technologies de l'information et de la communication par le milieu communautaire.</p> <p>Ces rencontres ont permis d'échanger sur différentes expériences novatrices d'utilisation des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) par le milieu communautaire. Elles ont aussi contribué à cerner les difficultés rencontrées, à identifier les enjeux et les défis à relever, à explorer les pistes d'action et les moyens à mettre en place pour soutenir le développement de ces nouvelles pratiques et d'une appropriation sociale plus large des TIC.</p> <p>L'idée de doter le milieu communautaire d'une plateforme qui rassemblerait les principaux enjeux et les conditions à mettre en place pour favoriser le développement d'un Internet citoyen, social ou communautaire au Québec origine de ces rencontres.</p> <p>Ces échanges ont guidé Communautique dans la rédaction d'un avant-projet de plateforme et l'ont conduit à initier une démarche de consultation. Un premier avant-projet, adopté par les membres de Communautique lors de son assemblée générale en février 2002, a ensuite été discuté par plus d'une cinquantaine d'organismes issus de différents secteurs et régions, lors de deux rencontres organisées, à Montréal et à Québec, en mai et juin 2002 . Ce texte a été révisé, à chacune de ces étapes, à la lumière des commentaires reçus ; il est aujourd'hui le fruit de l'ensemble de cette démarche.</p> <p>... la suite sur le site de <a href="" class='spip_out' rel='external'>Communautique</a></p></div> The digital divide : changing the focus 2002-10-28T16:15:39Z text/html fr Orientation of proposal The digital divide must : go beyond the issue of connectivity without neglecting it ; be integrated in a global vision and not solely from the angle of developing countries, since it reproduces the timeworn patterns of assistance given to them ; raise the question of uses : systems of consumption that obey the rules of capitalistic globalisation versus open systems that incorporate co-production in content and tools be treated not simply from its commercial (...) - <a href="" rel="directory">English version</a> <div class='rss_texte'><p>Orientation of proposal</p> <p>The digital divide must : <br /><img src="" width='8' height='11' class='puce' alt="-" style='height:11px;width:8px;' /> go beyond the issue of connectivity without neglecting it ; <br /><img src="" width='8' height='11' class='puce' alt="-" style='height:11px;width:8px;' /> be integrated in a global vision and not solely from the angle of developing countries, since it reproduces the timeworn patterns of assistance given to them ; <br /><img src="" width='8' height='11' class='puce' alt="-" style='height:11px;width:8px;' /> raise the question of uses : systems of consumption that obey the rules of capitalistic globalisation versus open systems that incorporate co-production in content and tools <br /><img src="" width='8' height='11' class='puce' alt="-" style='height:11px;width:8px;' /> be treated not simply from its commercial angle but as public property and thus be dealt with on a political level by all the actors concerned among which governments play a central role. Partnership between governments, companies and the non-profit sector, however positive such joint work is, must not be used as an excuse for withdrawal from public commitment ; <br /><img src="" width='8' height='11' class='puce' alt="-" style='height:11px;width:8px;' /> use the initiatives and orientations for proposals made by community networks in the same way as "the world partnership of community networks".</p> <p>Context</p> <p>Many bodies now exist, such as the G8 Dot force, the UN Task Force, the World Summit on the Information Society of the IUT, UNDP, etc. that all focus on the stakes involved by the digital divide. This approach raises several problems : <br /><img src="" width='8' height='11' class='puce' alt="-" style='height:11px;width:8px;' /> the dispersion of efforts between the different bodies ; <br /><img src="" width='8' height='11' class='puce' alt="-" style='height:11px;width:8px;' /> the concentration of reflection on connectivity rather than on content, training and cooperative practices of participation ; <br /><img src="" width='8' height='11' class='puce' alt="-" style='height:11px;width:8px;' /> the forever present commercial approach to solve the question ; <br /><img src="" width='8' height='11' class='puce' alt="-" style='height:11px;width:8px;' /> The reproduction of a traditional North-South vision. Indeed, the digital divide affects both North and South when examining further than the simple question of connectivity, although the latter obviously remains essential. When developing new uses for the Internet, the developing countries are just as inventive as the industrialised countries, once the question is not confined solely to equipment. This is a major breakthrough in itself, a North that no longer aids the South and a South that can aid the North : an opportunity that cannot be ignored.</p> <p>Furthermore, the digital divide must be considered in its widest meaning as the difference that exists between users in their twofold capacity to access and contribute to the knowledge and meaning diffused on the Internet. Access to knowledge means drawing full benefit from the information diffused on the Internet and using it in line with one's culture, capacities, needs, interests and hopes. Contributing to knowledge means fully participating in sharing information by dialogue, and producing and diffusing one's own information and be capable of full participation in public debate.</p> <p>Filling in this divide demands that policies and programmes must consider that technical access (infrastructures, private and community access points, hardware, software, basic user technical skills) is necessary but not enough. They must take into account the many economic, social, educational, linguistic, physical, cultural, religious, generational and gender barriers that prevent the user from accessing and contributing to the content conveyed and to their appropriate use. Programmes for generalised access must combine technical connectivity, basic technical training, vocational training and education, as well as the development of diverse, pertinent and enriching contents adapted to the interests and needs of varied audiences and publics. Access policies must avoid aiming only at individual access and privilege collective access at public places ; they must also avoid encouraging the passive consumption of commercial and public information. On the contrary, they must enhance and promote both individual and community participation and creativity in order to use the interactive potential provided by ICT as dynamically as possible in social, economic and cultural areas and democratic life as a whole.</p> <p>The basic criteria of such an approach are to ensure that public access points are as diverse as possible, and encourage setting-up local and theme networks, adapted training courses, and varied contents.</p> <p>Access programmes must be considered for the long term and be revised regularly by taking into account changes in technology and observing social and economic pertinence, needs, appropriate training and the costs required to make them endure in different socio-economic, geographic (urban/rural), generational and cultural contexts.</p></div> A coherent and substantial national policy of public service 2002-10-05T00:30:55Z text/html fr Proposal • That every government should formulate a national policy, i.e. guidelines with objectives and resources, that considers access to the Internet and its content as a public communication service and thus as a public utility essential for both individuals and the community as a whole. • That it therefore sets-up a framework of legislation and regulations related to effective programmes for generalised access and the control of ICTs, and public initiatives for diffusing information (...) - <a href="" rel="directory">1/ Hardware, infrastructures, domain names</a> <div class='rss_texte'><p><i>Proposal</i></p> <p>• That every government should formulate a national policy, i.e. guidelines with objectives and resources, that considers access to the Internet and its content as a public communication service and thus as a public utility essential for both individuals and the community as a whole.</p> <p>• That it therefore sets-up a framework of legislation and regulations related to effective programmes for generalised access and the control of ICTs, and public initiatives for diffusing information participative communication with the community.</p> <p>• That legislation provides mechanisms for monitoring and control in which groups and associations from civil society participate on an equal basis to represent the public interest.</p></div> Permanent updating of definitions of essential services based on the real needs of the population 2002-10-05T00:29:50Z text/html fr Orientation of proposal That definitions of essential services are both precise to define the rights and responsibilities of different social actors (government, the private sector, citizens) but flexible enough to adapt to technological and societal changes. Thus the following should now be considered as essential services : access by the general public to the Internet and its related technology, adequate and continuous training to ensure it is used well and the guarantee of varied (...) - <a href="" rel="directory">1/ Hardware, infrastructures, domain names</a> <div class='rss_texte'><p><i>Orientation of proposal</i></p> <p><img src="" width='8' height='11' class='puce' alt="-" style='height:11px;width:8px;' /> That definitions of essential services are both precise to define the rights and responsibilities of different social actors (government, the private sector, citizens) but flexible enough to adapt to technological and societal changes.</p> <p><img src="" width='8' height='11' class='puce' alt="-" style='height:11px;width:8px;' /> Thus the following should now be considered as essential services : access by the general public to the Internet and its related technology, adequate and continuous training to ensure it is used well and the guarantee of varied contents suited to the needs and hopes of different categories of the population.</p> <p><img src="" width='8' height='11' class='puce' alt="-" style='height:11px;width:8px;' /> The essential services should acknowledge that the public is not merely a recipient and consumer of information but also an actor and that policies and programmes should encourage and promote the production and diffusion of information and knowledge stemming from individuals and community groups.</p> <p><img src="" width='8' height='11' class='puce' alt="-" style='height:11px;width:8px;' /> That the regular updating of definitions and standards of essential services follows the progression of the needs of the population regarding information and communication services affecting economic, social, cultural and community life. That this study of needs is carried out by an organisation in which community groups participate and have equal standing.</p></div> Obligations of a service in the general interest for the public and private sectors 2002-10-05T00:28:15Z text/html fr Orientation of proposal Although there is no longer any monopoly in supplying access to networks, the issue of fulfilling an obligation of public service remains in its entirety. Operators should provide universal access and tariff conditions that allow every citizen to access the Net. Apart for being a universal service, access should also be available for services in the general interest. A policy co-managed by the government and local authorities should be implemented to oblige cable (...) - <a href="" rel="directory">1/ Hardware, infrastructures, domain names</a> <div class='rss_texte'><p><i>Orientation of proposal</i></p> <p>Although there is no longer any monopoly in supplying access to networks, the issue of fulfilling an obligation of public service remains in its entirety. Operators should provide universal access and tariff conditions that allow every citizen to access the Net. Apart for being a universal service, access should also be available for services in the general interest. A policy co-managed by the government and local authorities should be implemented to oblige cable operators to install a network covering the whole territory, which would eliminate geographic disparities. They should also provide the connections required for the development of community organisations and portals and be obliged to pay a small part of their revenues to help the development of these organisations.</p> <p><i>Context</i></p> <p>The harmful effects caused by the withdrawal of traditional operators from ensuring public services are clear (insufficient flows leading to additional costs for consumers, etc.). Today, this no longer an issue since most monopolies have been dismantled, at least theoretically (even though some of them hold almost exclusive positions), though sometimes to the detriment of public services. In conformity with the Treaty of Amsterdam, private operators are obliged to fulfil the role of public service provider, especially by providing universal access to the network. However, the Treaty covers neither the Internet nor mobile telephones. Universal access is the prerequisite for ensuring that as few people are excluded as possible. Although the supply of access is considered as a public service, it nonetheless raises the issue of investment in infrastructure, pricing for private investors and the consequences for the latter when they bid for entry into new markets (for example, local radio loops, ADSL). The Canadian law of 1991 on radio broadcasting could be used as the basis for the development of a non-profit Internet. This law, which sets out the "Canadian radio-broadcasting system" expressly stipulates that this system must be "composed of public, private and community elements" (article 3-1-b). It obliges the cable operator to not only provide community television channels but also to pay 2.5% of its net profits to them. Unfortunately, the law of 1998 modified this system, emptying it of its substance and thus making it unworkable, whereas it should have been extended to new media. Nonetheless, it remains a very good source of inspiration.</p></div> Recognising the role of service in the general interest played by community media 2002-10-05T00:26:39Z text/html fr Orientation of proposal The community media sector should be recognised as an essential public service and as a vital element of pluralism and democratic life in the same way as economic and social development are. This sector should be considered as an actor in its own right in the "radio-TV-web diffusion" system at national and international levels and policies related to the sector should grant them adequate resources and finance to ensure their longevity. Context The media sector is (...) - <a href="" rel="directory">1/ Hardware, infrastructures, domain names</a> <div class='rss_texte'><p><i>Orientation of proposal</i></p> <p>The community media sector should be recognised as an essential public service and as a vital element of pluralism and democratic life in the same way as economic and social development are. This sector should be considered as an actor in its own right in the "radio-TV-web diffusion" system at national and international levels and policies related to the sector should grant them adequate resources and finance to ensure their longevity.</p> <p><i>Context</i></p> <p>The media sector is one of the biggest battlegrounds of modern capitalism, and as such participates in the wholesale marketing of information and culture ; however, it is vital to preserve non-commercial media in which information does not go hand in hand with profitability.</p></div> Territorial development and equal access to infrastructures 2002-10-05T00:25:14Z text/html fr Orientation of proposal Action is needed to prevent two speed services being made available to consumers. Inequalities should be quantified and action plans implemented to make that which is now available for privileged users available to everyone (permanent access, broadband for multimedia, etc.). Context There is a new hierarchy in Western countries between quality networks (broadband, reliable machines, etc.), i.e. between networks for the rich, in particular the scientific and (...) - <a href="" rel="directory">1/ Hardware, infrastructures, domain names</a> <div class='rss_texte'><p><i>Orientation of proposal</i></p> <p>Action is needed to prevent two speed services being made available to consumers. Inequalities should be quantified and action plans implemented to make that which is now available for privileged users available to everyone (permanent access, broadband for multimedia, etc.).</p> <p><i>Context</i></p> <p>There is a new hierarchy in Western countries between quality networks (broadband, reliable machines, etc.), i.e. between networks for the rich, in particular the scientific and business sectors and the major cities, and the traditional network, that of the poor. Even if many people would be happy to access a normal network and consider broadband and improved ergonomic design as subsidiary, care should be taken that this does not become a new source of inequality. This issue is especially important since service quality is often the condition that permits the creation of content rather than being a simple consumer.</p></div> Broadband, new stakes, a new solution 2002-10-05T00:23:51Z text/html fr Orientation for proposal Permanent access and broadband involve the same stakes of access as traditional infrastructures. ADSL, WIFI, BLR and IPV6 tomorrow should be taken into account and efforts should be made to ensure that they do not become additional sources of inequality, between territories and professional and social categories. However, it appears increasingly that broadband will be reserved for urban areas and the rich. Regulations should be formulated in all countries where (...) - <a href="" rel="directory">1/ Hardware, infrastructures, domain names</a> <div class='rss_texte'><p><i>Orientation for proposal</i></p> <p>Permanent access and broadband involve the same stakes of access as traditional infrastructures. ADSL, WIFI, BLR and IPV6 tomorrow should be taken into account and efforts should be made to ensure that they do not become additional sources of inequality, between territories and professional and social categories. However, it appears increasingly that broadband will be reserved for urban areas and the rich. Regulations should be formulated in all countries where they do not already exist to permit the expansion of wifi, an inexpensive technology particular well adapted to local needs.</p> <p><i>Context</i></p> <p>The usual reaction is to assert that broadband is necessary for research and business and that traditional speeds are sufficient for the ordinary citizen and community networks. There is nothing innocent about this standpoint, since it reinforces a system that wants to reserve the action of creation for an elite. However, artists and community organisations, families and individuals, need to use multimedia applications : they can use them to aid problem children through artistic creation, permit illiterate populations and those with oral traditions to produce their own contents, implement co-production tools, help maintain family links for victims of diasporas, etc. All these activities require broadband.</p> <p>Moreover the installation of broadband infrastructures should be done according to guidelines that give priority to the social ends mentioned above, via public consultation in which community interests are taken into account.</p> <p>In particular, efforts should be made to encourage, support and publish initiatives from users and citizens networks at local level (municipalities, rural committees, urban districts) to define and own directly their own optical fibre broadband infrastructures. Joint ownership and "à la carte networks" exist in which the local architecture of local infrastructures, connections with Internet service providers and interconnections with similar independent networks are installed by community networks on the basis of their own needs. Systems exist that place community interests and hopes above those of telecom companies and service providers.</p> <p>Many examples of this approach could be described as with the Canadian company, Canarie, with its "à la carte networks"and "black" fibre-optic cables. Regarding broadband in the United States, a recommendation has been made to create a regulatory framework to prevent the new conglomerates such as At & T and AOL Times Warner to censor contents and select the service providers that diffuse them.</p></div>