Cyber-democracy and cyber-governance : Definitions and principles

Orientation of proposal

The Internet’s potential for interactivity permits it, like no other medium before it, to radically change the interactions between citizens and their governments, opening up greater transparency and participation. They also open the path to the renewal of democracy.

Cyber-democracy should be understood in its broad meaning as the practice of democracy via active participation in dialogue and in decision-making in the myriad public areas of civil society and provincial, regional and national political action. Governments and communities have the duty and responsibility to create the conditions for participation in democratic life in organisations, and publics spaces and arenas.

Cyber-government should not be limited to merely onlining administrative and governmental information or participation in online elections. As for community participation, it should not be limited to simple access to information, administrative transactions and online voting.

Posté le 4 octobre 2002

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