Knowledge communities

Orientation of proposal

The actors of the non-profit sector should invent new forms of transmitting experiences and knowledge related to ICTs, by taking inspiration from the mutual exchange of knowledge and learning in cascade. The tools for propagating these exchanges are still at an early stage of development.


Regarding the use of information technologies, training by traditional means is less pertinent, though they should not be neglected, than the snowball effect of lifelong apprenticeship during work, services, leisure and social life. Experiences of knowledge exchange networks help to combat difficulties in assimilating knowledge by allowing the learner to be teacher at the same time and thus give them confidence in themselves. Applied to information technologies, these methods change relations between generations, for example (children teaching adults), and restore pride in knowledge. Different experiences carried out using knowledge trees in France and Prairienet7 in the United States demonstrate the pertinence of these approaches.

Posté le 4 octobre 2002

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