With a degree in Political Science, Valérie Peugeot has worked and been active in associations working in the field of democratic renewal and active citizenship for 15 years. She has also been involved in actions on such themes as a political Europe, globalization, leaving the salaried society, and alternatives to the market society.

Today, she is a consultant in telecommunications and the Internet and Administrator of the VECAM Association
- Reflection and Action for Community Networks. This association seeks to promote the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) for social and democratic purposes, and to anticipate social changes which the arrival of the Information Age will generate. She is also a member of the Editorial Committee for the Transversales Sciences Culture journal.


5 November 2003

couverture du livre enjeux de mots This text is an extract from the book Word Matters: multicultural perspectives on information societies. This book, which has been coordinated by Alain Ambrosi, Valérie Peugeot and Daniel Pimienta was released on November 5, 2005 by C & F Éditions.

The text is under the Creative Commons licence, by, non commercial.

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