Training with various and adapted dimensions

Orientation of proposal :

Training to use ICTs should take into account a diversity of places of training (education establishments, libraries, community groups, e-cafes, access and specialised learning centres, companies and the work place) ; diverse contents and teaching methods (of school type, training adapted to target publics) ; diverse instructors (teachers, specialised and general educators).

Recognition of the unique expertise developed by community groups and organisations in the area of ICT training in poorer areas. Different customised and adapted training courses given by these groups as a function of the needs and capacities of different publics (disadvantages districts, the illiterate, young dropouts, itinerants, etc.) generally belong to an approach of participatory, community education that converges with the aims of lifetime education.

Set-up programmes to support training by providing basic finance to community organisations specialised in training and by calls for tenders and pluriannual contracts with the same organisations. Promote creative synergies and partnerships for training between the different actors, teaching establishments, organisations and companies.

Posté le 4 octobre 2002

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