Protecting and extending union freedom and rights on the Internet

Orientation of proposal

The different rights accorded by national legislations to unions should be extended to the Internet. Among other things, this comprises :
-  the right to use electronic means to diffuse information and communications, organise union meetings, permit discussion within unions (forums, lists, etc.) ;
-  the right for unions to have their own space on the Internet and Intranet sites, if any, of the company in which they represent the workers ;

 That companies make available in all union premises a workstation equipped with at least office management and communication software and a connection to the network.


Although unions must make an effort themselves to adapt the objectives and the forms of their combats in the information era (cf. above), legislation on the matter should not hinder this adaptation and information technologies must not be used as a pretext for restricting union rights.

Posté le 4 octobre 2002

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