Partha Pratim Sarker works as “ICT for Development” (ICT4D) expert and has co-founded a citizen’s network “Bytes for Allhttp://www.¬ a first online community in South Asia. He brings years of experiences in documenting and coordinating ICT4D projects that relates to communication rights, poverty alleviation, grassroots media & communication, e-Governance, rural livelihoods, etc. He is currently working as a Project Coordinator to APC Asia ICT Policy Monitor Network (

Mr. Sarker has worked or has consulting experience with organizations such as IDRC, UNESCO Asia Pacific Regional Office, GKP Secretariat, APC, Asian Development Bank Insititute (ADBI), etc. He also writes and prepared research reports for different international publications such as, Government Technology International Magazine, Southern Review Journal, Asia Pacific Internet Handbook, etc.

One of his earlier website - net that he designed and used to maintain received Global Bangemann Winner Award in Culture and Media category in 1999. A multimedia developer in his earlier professional life, Mr. Sarker has received numerous awards, scholarships and recognition for his work at ICT4D sector.

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